Friday, December 7, 2012

California Law/GMO's

         Recently the state of California has had food labeling laws come up as an issue in their community. There are already food-labeling laws that are fairly thorough. But the community spoke about their dislike of genetically modified food or GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms). They are not now thinking about where there food is coming from and do not like all of the chemicals the genetic enhancements bring.
         Genetically modified organisms are organisms that are genetically altered to fit the needs of our growing society. These organisms are what create the genetically modified food. The organisms are mainly in plants, bacteria, yeast, fish, crops and mammals. For example when crops are exposed to certain chemicals they are altered to resist pestisides.

By ecohealthwellness
-Still questionable if these foods are actually safe
-Economic concerns for theses foods because of property laws (Genetically Modified Food. Wikipedia)
The prior laws California already have for food labeling are the following; products with unusual names or non-English names are unacceptable on labels.  The Ingredients label must in descending order by weight (largest item first).  Also, FDB or Food Drug Branch investigators can investigate food labels at anytime. They must have nutrition information on all processed foods and have the newly formatted food labels. Finally, they must have ingredient listings on foods with two or more ingredients. (FoodDrugBranch.Labeling. p.1)
By:creative commons

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you've split these sections up; pro, con, and just the facts. This really helps give me context for what is to come.
